September 09, 2013


NASMAH is a non-profit organisation which aims to promote it's members. Members pay a fee for membership and this is how NASMAH manages to promote them, the people who work for NASMAH are volunteers therefore all money paid by members goes straight in helping them to get exposure. Members include make-up artists 
and hairdressers who work with television, film, theatre and photographic.

One of NASMAH's suppliers is M.A.C. Cosmetics. I have personally been a fan of M.A.C. for a number of years and find it hard to try any other brand. It's only now that I'm studying to be a make-up artist that I'm becoming more open to trying new products!

M.A.C. is a make-up artists dream. They supply everything from make-up to the brushes needed to apply them. The brushes and make-up are all very high quality and well worth the money. The products last a lot longer than those on the high street and there also a much better selection. Their eyeshadows and lipsticks come in not just a number of colours but in a number of shades, choosing the right one can be time consuming as there is so many!

I think that because of the amount you have to choose from M.A.C. is a great supplier for NASMAH as they have everything a photographic or even tv and film make-up could possibly need. Not only do they have an incredible, easy-to-use online shop they have counters and shops worldwide with many of their own make-up artists at hand to help answer any queries and give advice where needed.

While researching NASMAH I couldn't help but look into some of the members who benefit from this organisation. I, myself am more interested in the theatrical and film side of make-up so one member who really interested me was Arabella Clarke who is based in Camden, London. Arabella specialises in horror and SFX make-up.

The photo above is titled "Glasgow Smile". The above look was made quite popular after Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in Batman, as giving his victims a slash from both sides of their mouths was his "thing". However I think this is the best version I have seen yet of this wound, Arabella has made all the make-up minimal and has not went over the top with blood. "Less is more" and I think this look is very effective.

Arabella's website -

NASMAH clearly has a good reputation in the business (evident from M.A.C. - one of the leading make-up brands being a supplier) as for members such as Arabella it's a great boost to helping them find work and gain even more success in their careers.

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